Legal Notice
Legal notice
The ownership of this website belongs to: HOTEL DON CARLOS MARBELLA OPCO, S.L. Address Carretera de Cádiz, km. 192,5. 29604 Marbella (Spain) CIF: B63656797 Registered office: Plaza Pio XII, 4, 08028, Barcelona Reg. Barcelona Tomo 46.940, Folio 186, Hoja B-294.888 This document has as its purpose establishing and regulating the policies for the use of the digital services (websites, e-commerce, mobile apps, etc.) of this website. Through these digital services, information is offered to customers and prospective customers, the rooms reservation system for each hotel and service is managed, as well as any other service deemed appropriate when it may correspond for the correct achievement of the company purpose. The fact of accessing the digital services involves the knowledge and acceptance of the following General Conditions, so the users are recommended to print or download them and to read them every time they access this website. The information appearing in this legal notice is current on the date of its last update. We reserve the right to update, modify or eliminate the information on this Website, being capable of restricting or not allowing access to it. We reserve the power to perform, at any time, as many changes and modifications we may consider convenient, being capable to use such power at any moment and without any prior advice.
We make our best efforts to avoid any mistake in the contents that may appear in the digital services.
We do not take responsibility in any way about those contents, commercial activities, products and services included that you may view from links from third parties, in a direct or indirect way, through these services.
We will not take any responsibility for the contents of other websites that are not owned by us to which you make access from a link, since we do not have the possibility of supervising their legality and contents.
We reserve the right to prevent or forbid access to the digital services to any user that may enter any content that is contrary to the legal regulations or that could be considered immoral, reserving the right to exercise the legal measures that we may considered appropriate to avoid this kind of behaviours.
From our digital services we offer different types of services, mainly related to accommodation reservations and their management.
In the areas in which these digital services are displayed there are described the features and details composing them, being possible to check the current Annex service conditions applicable at any moment. We will carry out as many actions as we may consider appropriate in order to guarantee the delivery and improvement of the service at any moment.
The user accepts these digital services conditions when accessing and using any of the services.
The user commits to use the digital resources, contents and digital services made available being obliged not to use them with illicit, unauthorized or fraudulent purposes or with purposes contrary to those established in the legal notice that may harm the rights and/or interests of HOTEL DON CARLOS MARBELLA OPCO, S.L. and SELENTA GROUP, group to which it belongs, or of third parties; or that may in any way damage or prevent the correct operation or the services offered in it or that may be offered in the future.
In case the user wants to enter comments or opinions in these digital services, it must be taken into account that:
The user will be completely liable for the reflected contents or opinions; exempting the hotel and the companies of SELENTA GROUP, who may not necessarily share those opinions.
Every kind of content with insults or of vexatious nature will be forbidden, including those with racist, discriminatory or degrading content that may attack in any way any third party.
Comments unrelated to the purpose of these sites are not permitted.
Advertisement of other websites or third party services is strictly prohibited; including links to other websites or references to third parties without the express authorization of HOTEL DON CARLOS MARBELLA OPCO, S.L.
The access to these digital services of the Hotel is of the exclusive responsibility of the users. The risks derived from its use taken by the user will be taken exclusively by them.
We will not be responsible for possible damages that may derive from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system, arising from causes external to them; for delays or blocks in the use of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloads in its Data Processing Centre, telephone lines, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems; nor damages that may be caused by third parties through unlawful intrusions outside of the control of HOTEL DON CARLOS MARBELLA OPCO, S.L.
Likewise, HOTEL DON CARLOS MARBELLA OPCO, S.L. and SELENTA GROUP are released from responsibility for any damage that the user may suffer as a consequence of mistakes, defects, omissions or information from external sources or from the user him/herself.
We make every effort to ensure that browsing takes place in the best conditions and to avoid any type of damage that might arise during the process.
We shall not be held liable for damage of any description that may occur to users as a result of the use of other browsers or different versions of the browsers and systems for which our digital services were designed.
We do not accept responsibility for ensuring, nor do we guarantee, access to these digital services without any interruptions or errors. Neither do we accept responsibility for ensuring, nor do we guarantee, that any content or software accessed through our e-commerce services is free from errors or does not cause damage.
HOTEL DON CARLOS MARBELLA OPCO, S.L. strictly meets the current legislation in the subject of data protection, not using your personal data for any other purpose than what you have authorized and what is necessary to carry out the required services. For it, it adopts the necessary technical and organization techniques to prevent the loss, wrong use, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the personal data provided, if it were the case, through these digital services, taking into account the status of the technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed.
To obtain the detailed privacy policy of the digital services, our personal data protection policy is made available to the User in the section “privacy policy and cookies”.
The data of the online reservation will be available to the user registering with his/her profile or making use of the identification data of his/her reservation in the digital services that allow it.
In compliance with Article 22 of the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we hereby inform you that these digital services use cookies for the purpose of improving the browsing experience for these digital services and to offer a better service to users.
The privacy and cookies policy describes the type of cookies and their use.
Except if the contrary is stated for any case, the text, images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, video segments, sound segments and rest of materials found in these services and any other intellectual creations and/or inventions or scientific and technical discoveries, independent of their business or industrial application (from now on collectively known as the “Content”) have been created or invented by HOTEL DON CARLOS MARBELLA OPCO, S.L. and SELENTA GROUP or granted, licensed, transferred or authorized to them by their owners and/or transferees.
The User commits not to eliminate or alter any distinctive sign such as, but not exclusively, brands, commercial names (graphic material, logos, etc.), copyright and the rest of identifying data of the rights of HOTEL DON CARLOS MARBELLA OPCO, S.L., SELENTA GROUP or third party holders.
The User commits not to use, copy, reproduce, distribute, transform or modify the Contents, unless there is authorization from the holder of the corresponding rights or prior authorization from HOTEL DON CARLOS MARBELLA OPCO, S.L. or SELENTA GROUP.
These are of the property of HOTEL DON CARLOS MARBELLA OPCO, S.L. as well as all the rights on any works, inventions, discoveries, patents, ideas, concepts, updates and the improvements related to the digital services, their systems, applications and programs or to the services HOTEL DON CARLOS MARBELLA OPCO, S.L. provides, that may be created, performed, developed or implemented for the first time by HOTEL DON CARLOS MARBELLA OPCO, S.L. either by itself or with the help of users, during the course or as a result of some design, development or any other duty carried out in conformity with the Contract.
The User may not use the name or brands, symbols, logos or distinctive signs under the ownership of HOTEL DON CARLOS MARBELLA OPCO, S.L. or SELENTA GROUP without the express authority in writing of HOTEL DON CARLOS MARBELLA OPCO, S.L. or SELENTA GROUP.
The Rights of Use contained in this Legal Notice are governed by Spanish legislation. Both the hotel and users agree, in the event of any discrepancy that may arise as to the interpretation of, compliance with and/or implementation of the services rendered by the hotel, to expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Barcelona, explicitly waiving any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled.
Payment for the stay will be made upon arrival at the hotel.
Every reservation must be guaranteed through a valid credit card at the moment of the stay.
The applicable VAT will be the current one in Spain at the moment of payment of the stay or service provision.
Exclusive rate for private individuals. Non-commissionable to third parties.
Warning: the hotel reserves the right to charge the amount of the stay in advance in high demand periods to ensure availability. Before the collection, the reservations team will contact the client to confirm the payment data
Entrance: 14:00 h
Exit: 12:00 h
Cancellation Conditions
Free cancellation if made before 15:00h (local time of the hotel) of the day before the arrival. *If you cancel outside of this term or you do not present yourself at the hotel on the day of arrival, the charge will be made on the first night.
On-line payment
Reservation Conditions
Payment in advance: The payment for your stay will be made 100% in the moment of making the on-line reservation.
This reservation only allows adding extra services. The extra services added after making the reservation, in the reservation modification section of the website, will be directly paid at the hotel.
The applicable VAT will be the current one in Spain at the moment of payment of the stay or service provision.
Exclusive rate for private individuals. Non-commissionable to third parties
Entrance: 14:00 h
Exit: 12:00 h
Cancellation Conditions
*If you cancel, modify dates or do not come to the hotel, the establishment will not reimburse the price for the stay or the extra services contracted at the time of the reservation.